Arbor Week Celebrations

Arbor Week Celebrations

All day
May 27, 2021 May 30, 2021

Arbor week is a week long celebration dedicated to conservation, and correcting the gradual deforestation of the prairie.

Eco-Scavenger Hunt at Beaver Creek Conservation Area

Starting May 28th: In celebration of Arbor Week, Meewasin is hosting a self-guided tree-themed Eco-Scavenger Hunt where participants can learn to identify and record their nature findings as citizen scientists!

Stop by the Beaver Creek Interpretive Centre to pick up your Eco-Scavenger Hunt card. Participants are encouraged to report their sightings using the iNaturalist app or website by visiting and collected data will be used as part of Meewasin’s monitoring framework to assist in Meewasin's stewardship efforts.

Build your nature knowledge and take part in the activity by visiting Beaver Creek during regular hours (Wednesday – Sunday from 10 am – 5 pm). Check out this post to learn what you need to know before you go!

Saskatchewan Tree for Life Program at Beaver Creek Conservation Area

May 29th & 30th: The Saskatchewan Association of Watersheds and its member watershed groups are excited to announce the launch of the Saskatchewan Tree for Life Program!

The goal of the program is to educate and spread awareness of climate change and to promote positive environmental change in Saskatchewan. A young tree can store up to 13 lbs of CO2, and at 10 years old, a tree can store up to 48 lbs of CO2!

With financial support from Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), the Saskatchewan Tree for Life Program will kick off with an initiative that will see 24,000 free trees be planted across Saskatchewan! By planting trees, a person can do their part in helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Representatives from the South Saskatchewan River Watershed Stewards will be on site at Beaver Creek on May 29th & 30th between noon and 4pm to promote this program. Stop by for your free tree!

Beaver Creek Conservation Area

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