
It costs a lot of money to conserve nature. Accessible, educational and sustainable nature costs even more. Today’s population and usage are too much for the original 1979 Meewasin plan.

Funding from government and partners only covers a portion of what it takes. Without public donations, Meewasin would struggle to:

    • -Support education and interactive experiences for year-round learning and tourism
    • -Improve the trail system, create safe access to the valley for users, as well as offer recreation and tourism opportunities
    • -Protect the valley, restore and rejuvenate native habitat within the river valley


Your donation will help keep the South Saskatchewan River Valley a healthy and vibrant place where people connect with each other, with cultural history and with natural habitats.

For thousands of years, this beautiful valley has nurtured, inspired and sheltered its inhabitants. For the last four decades, the Meewasin Valley Authority (a non-profit) has protected the valley while balancing human use and conservation by:

    • -Providing leadership in the management of its resources
    • -Promoting understanding, conservation and beneficial use of the Valley
    • -Undertaking programs and projects in river valley development and conservation, for the benefit of present and future generations

Please contribute to our common goal of sustaining Saskatoon’s river valley corridor.


Thank you for supporting the stewardship of over 67 sq/km and 105+ km of public trail that is the Meewasin Valley! In the past few months, we’ve seen an increased demand for outdoor infrastructure to help support both the mental and physical health of our community. Although this time has held many uncertainties and adaptations, Meewasin’s commitment to educating youth, enhancing community spaces, and increasing quality of life for visitors and residents of Saskatoon and area has remained unchanged.

Meewasin Donation Opportunities

Donation Options

Meewasin relies on donations to steward Saskatoon and area’s most treasured space, the Meewasin Valley. We could not provide the river experience we do without help from you! Please consider supporting Meewasin through a one time, yearly or monthly donation. Please see below for our full dedication options such as tree, bench, grass, and bricks.

Donations may also be submitted over the phone, please call 306-477-9121 to speak with Meewasin’s Donations Officer.

Meewasin is honoured to be able to offer many opportunities for individuals to help us in maintaining the unique aspects of our city. We work with you to create your own legacy in the Meewasin Valley though gifts to commemorate events, relationships, or occasions, as something that can be enjoyed in your lifetime, not just as a memory.

It is because of the generosity of those who enjoyed the valley before us, that we are able to continue to enjoy and share our vibrant river valley today.

*Please ensure you provide any additional details regarding your donation (if it’s part of a larger, group donation, if you want a certain message, etc.) in the optional ‘Message for Meewasin’ text box found on the pages of each separate dedication item.

If leaving a legacy is something you would like to consider, you can view some of our options below or call our donations officer at 306-665-6887 or email our donations officer, to discuss all options available to you.

Meewasin’s Registered Charity Information