It costs a lot of money to conserve nature. Accessible, educational and sustainable nature costs even more. Today’s population and…
Sheep Grazing Demonstrations
The sheep are baaah-ck! Meewasin is bringing back a herd of sheep to the Meewasin Valley once again to practice…
Kinsmen Riverfront Trail Closure and Detours
This work is now underway, during which time the primary trail will be closed to the public adjacent to the…
Meewasin Grazing Dinners
Meewasin is excited to be collaborating with Odla on a one-of a kind experience this fall… Meewasin’s Grazing Dinners begin…
Rural Sites Open for the Season – Paradise, Poplar & Fred Heal
Warm weather is in the air, and all of Meewasin’s rural sites and trails are now open. Meewasin sites that…
Meewasin Reports Progress with State of the Valley Report
Every five years, Meewasin issues a State of the Valley Report to provide a point in time assessment of the advancement…
Starting Oct 12, 2021, a section of the Meewasin Trail across from GD Archibald Memorial Park on Spadina Crescent East…
Fans of the Meewasin Trail! The Southwest Trail that runs from the Sanitorium Site to the Gordie Howe Bridge is…
Download the Meewasin App!
The first of its kind in our region, the focus of the Meewasin App is interpreting stories of First Nation…
Beaver Creek Updates
Beaver Creek Conservation Area’s hours of operation are Wednesday to Sunday from 10am-5pm. Due to COVID-19, a capacity limit is…